Currency exchange rates

Discover the exchange rate today

Use our currency convertor to check the current foreign currency exchange rate.

Ways to buy foreign currency at M&S Bank

Planning a much needed holiday? Whether you are looking for a skiing holiday in Japan, relaxing on the beaches across Europe or discovering the big cities of the USA, explore the exchange rate today and the different currency exchange options M&S Bank have to offer.

SameDay Click & Collect

If you order before 4pm, SameDay collection is available on 9 different foreign currencies. You can also order and collect euros and US dollars from over 450 stores.*

Click & Collect

Collect over 40 foreign currencies from an M&S Bureau De Change that is convenient to you. Click & Collect gives the best available M&S Bank rate on euro, US dollar and Turkish lira. Order now to lock in the current rates.

Visit one of our Bureaux

Use the M&S Bank Bureau Finder to find your nearest M&S Bureau de Change and opening hours.

Can't find the destination or currency you are looking for?

If you can't find your destination or currency, visit our travel money hub for our full list of currencies and exchange rates.

What factors influence exchange rates?

Ever wondered how exchange rates are calculated or what factors influence exchange rates?

Learn more about exchange rates with our useful article.

Benefits of currency exchange with M&S Bank

If you are planning a holiday abroad, we offer a number of benefits when you buy your foreign currency from M&S Bank.

  • Our stores are open 7 days a week**
  • Buy holiday money online and collect from your local Bureau de Change
  • Exchange any leftover currency when you return using our buy back service

Click and Collect currency

Frequently asked questions

How are exchange rates calculated?

The exchange rate is the amount of one currency you can buy with another. Foreign currency is traded around the world daily, and it is these trades that will determine the exchange rates*

*Source: Bank of England. Visit Bank of England for more information.

Why do currency exchange rates fluctuate?

Currency exchange rates continually fluctuate, depending on changes in the financial markets.

This fluctuation can be caused by different factors such as supply and demand or worldwide events.

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Important documents

M&S Travel Money Terms and Conditions (opens in a new window)

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Planning a trip? Get a travel insurance quote.

M&S Travel Insurance offers a choice of single or annual multi-trip policies. Learn more about travel insurance.

*Subject to availability. Currencies available for SameDay collection include; euro, USD, Turkish lira, South African rand, Thai baht, New Zealand dollar, UAE dirham, Australian dollar and Canadian dollar.

† Next Day collection is subject to availability. Please confirm your collection date and location at the checkout.

**Subject to store opening hours