Keep your cards safe
The following information will help to keep your M&S Credit Card and transactions as secure as possible.
Keeping your card and details safe
- Remember to sign your cards as soon as you receive them and keep them in a safe place.
- When selecting a personal identification number (PIN) avoid numbers that can be easily identified with you eg birthday, telephone number etc.
- Do not write down or otherwise record your PIN or security details in a way that can be understood or accessed by someone else.
- Never tell anyone your PIN – legitimate companies will never ask for your PIN.
- When using your card, shield your credit card number and PIN so that others around you can't see it.
- Keep receipts and statements safe. If you do wish to dispose of them do so carefully.
- Never hand your cards over to anyone who says they are coming to collect them. We would never ring you to say we were coming to pick up your cards, and neither would the police.
- Be very careful who you give your card details to. If someone calls you, don't give out your bank details over the phone. We will ask security questions if we call you.
- Always ensure your contact details are up to date so that we can contact you if we are suspicious of any activity on your account.
- Report a lost or stolen card immediately. Please call us on 0800 085 2411.
If you have additional cardholders ensure they are also aware of these tips. If you suspect that you are a victim of fraud, call us immediately on 0345 900 0900.
Calls are recorded.