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Understand more about what rewards you could receive as an M&S Bank cardholder 

24.9% APR representative variable

How do M&S Rewards work?

As an M&S Bank cardholder you earn Rewards points every time you spend. Those Rewards points turn into M&S Rewards vouchers up to four times a year, which are either sent to you in the post or are available in your Sparks account at or in the M&S app. Use these to treat yourself in M&S stores or online. And, if you really love M&S, by subscribing to M&S Club Rewards you could receive over £240*, on average, worth of goodies throughout the year, for just £10 a month.

Rewards calculator

Collect 1 Rewards point for every £1 spent in M&S and 1 rewards point for every £5 spent elsewhere. 100 rewards points = £1 in M&S vouchers. This is based on the M&S Credit Card offer and excludes any additional offers.

With M&S Club Rewards you'll receive an extra 2 rewards points per £1 spent in M&S.

As an M&S Credit Card Customer, in a year we could give you:

24.9% APR Representative (variable)

Apply now for an M&S Credit Card

If you subscribe to M&S Club Rewards, in a year we could give you:

  • 32 hot drinks vouchers
  • M&S next day delivery (exclusions apply)
  • £12 M&S Birthday Treat Voucher
  • £65 M&S vouchers
  • Extra points abroad (fees apply)

Available to existing cardholders for just £10 a month

Find out more about M&S Club Rewards

M&S Rewards points cannot be earned on balance transfers, cash advances/withdrawals, interest charges, M&S Travel Money, foreign currency or M&S rewards vouchers.

M&S next day deliveries are not available in some locations e.g. Northern Ireland and Guernsey. Credit is subject to status and eligibility criteria. Terms and conditions apply.

Credit card Rewards online

You can now view and redeem your M&S Credit Card Rewards vouchers in your Sparks account at or in the M&S app.

M&S Rewards

Learn more about the rewards you receive by using your M&S Credit Card

** Based on £77 worth of M&S vouchers, 32 hot drink vouchers, 9 next day deliveries (not available in some locations e.g. Northern Ireland and Guernsey), points earned from £300 spend abroad in a local currency annually and points earned from an average monthly spend in M&S of £46 on an M&S Credit Card.