A step by step guide to setting up the M&S Banking App

A simple step by step guide to get you up and running using our app

The benefits of using our app

Chat with us and get support with your account no matter the time of day or night

View your credit card PIN in an instant without having to wait for it to arrive in the post

Get a spend notification every time your card is used to make a payment

Before you start

In order to get set up on our app:

  • you’ll need to be using a compatible device, updated with the most up to date operating system your device can support. You can set the app up on either a smartphone or tablet.
  • make sure you’re registered for Internet Banking and have your username and password to hand. Not sure of your sign in details? You must be the main cardholder - this means it's your name that appears on your statements.
  • we need to have a mobile phone number for you as you will be sent an activation code by text message. Alternatively if you have a physical M&S PASS you can use this to verify yourself. Update your contact details.

What if I don't have a compatible device?

If you don't have a compatible device, you can still use digital banking through our Internet Banking service. Simply register for Internet Banking and when prompted, order a 'physical M&S PASS‘. This is a small calculator-like device, sent to you in the post, that generates the security codes you'll need to access Internet Banking. This can take up to 7 working days to arrive and you will not be able to access Internet Banking until you have received it.

Not sure of your sign in details?

If you need help getting back online because you’ve forgotten your sign in details, you can use our handy Mobile and Internet Banking access help tool.

1. Download the app

On your mobile or tablet, go to the App Store if using an Apple device or Google Play if using an Android device and search for 'M&S Banking App'. Please note device restrictions apply.

If you’re currently using the device you wish to download the app on to view this page, you can tap on the buttons on the right to take you directly to your relevant app store.

Once you’ve found the app on the app store, tap 'Get' or 'Install' to download the app.

Important documents

Digital banking terms

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2. Privacy and cookies

When you first open the app, you’ll be invited to manage cookies.

Cookies help us to keep your account safe and help us improve our service. You can choose which cookies to accept or you can accept all cookies.

Mobile App Privacy and Cookies screen

3. Terms & Conditions

You’ll next be asked to read our Privacy Notice and accept our Terms and Conditions and information about the use of cookies.

In order to use our app, you’ll need to confirm that you accept the Digital Terms and Conditions, and acknowledge the Privacy Notice and Important Information.

Mobile App T&Cs screen

4. Setting up the M&S Banking App

At this stage, you need to make sure you are registered for Internet Banking and know your sign in details. Not sure of your sign in details?

You’ll next need to choose how to verify your identity so you’ll also need either your physical M&S PASS or your mobile phone to hand. Update your mobile phone number >

Mobile app set up screen

Verify your identity using your physical M&S PASS

5. Enter your Internet Banking username

You will need to enter the same username that you created and used to sign in to Internet Banking.

Not sure of your sign in details?

Mobile app username screen

6. Verify your identity

If you already have a physical M&S PASS you can choose to use this to generate a 6-digit security code instead of inputting your password and receiving a one time activation code via text message.

Need to verify your identity using your mobile phone? >

Once the app is set up, your physical M&S PASS will no longer work.

Internet Banking registration set up online reset questions screen.

7. Create your Digital M&S PASS PIN

You now need to create your memorable 6-digit Digital M&S PASS PIN. You will use this PIN to verify your identity every time you sign in to the app until you enable fingerprint or facial recognition.

You’ll be asked to re-enter your Digital M&S PASS PIN to make sure you have set up and remember the correct number.

Internet Banking registration email address screen.

8. You’re all done!

Now you’re set up, you’ll be asked to sign in using the Digital M&S PASS PIN you just created or you can enable fingerprint or facial recognition.

How to get the best from our app >

Internet Banking registration select your M&S PASS screen.

Your Digital M&S PASS

Your M&S Banking App contains the ‘Digital M&S PASS’. It can generate unique, single use security codes that you’ll need to enter when you sign in to Internet Banking in the future. If you previously used a physical M&S PASS, a small calculator-like device, when you register for the app your Digital M&S PASS will replace the physical M&S PASS so it will no longer work.

Verify your identity using a one time passcode text message

5. Enter your Internet Banking username and password

You will need to enter the same username and password that you created and used to sign in to Internet Banking.

Not sure of your sign in details?

Mobile app username screen

6. One-time activation Code

By clicking ‘Send activation code’ we’ll send a one-time activation code to your mobile phone. On the next screen you’ll be prompted to enter the code on the app.

Mobile app one-time passcode screen

7. Create your Digital M&S PASS PIN

You now need to create your memorable 6-digit Digital M&S PASS PIN. You’ll use this PIN to verify your identity every time you sign in to the app until you enable biometric authentication.

You’ll be asked to re-enter your Digital M&S PASS PIN to make sure you have set up and remember the correct number.

Mobile app create PIN screen

8. You’re all done!

Now you’re set up, you’ll be asked to sign in using the Digital M&S PASS PIN you just created or you can enable biometric authentication.

How to get the best from our app >

Mobile app set up confirmation screen

9. Getting the most from the M&S Banking App

There’s a few things you can do to get the best from our app. Biometric authentication allows you to use your face or fingerprint to sign in to your account instead of using your Digital M&S PASS PIN. It helps keep your account secure as biometric authentication uses physical details that are unique to you and can’t be used by anyone else but you.

We also recommend that you set up spend notifications so you can be notified every time your card is used to make a purchase. They help you to keep track of your spending and means you can spot any transactions that you haven’t made quickly and easily.

How to enable fingerprint or facial recognition

You’ll be prompted to enable biometric authentication when you first sign into the app, but if you missed this the first time don’t worry as you can set it up at any time.

  1. Sign in to the M&S Banking App
  2. On the ‘Balances screen’, select the profile icon in the top right hand corner
  3. Select ‘Security’, then tap on ‘Manage security’
  4. Then use the slider button to enable biometric authentication and re-enter your Digital PASS PIN

You can turn off biometric authentication at any time if you need to. Need more information about biometric authentication? >

How to set up spend notifications

  1. Sign in to the M&S Banking App
  2. On the ‘Balances screen’, select the bell icon in the top right hand corner
  3. Select ‘Turn on Notifications’
  4. Select 'OK' to allow notifications. Once the tick appears, you will then be taken to your notification centre

Spend notifications are only available for credit card accounts where spend notifications have been activated. Repayments and refunds to a credit card account will not generate a notification.

If your additional cardholder makes a spend on their M&S Credit Card, the spend notification will be received on the main cardholder’s device, which the M&S Banking App is set up on.

Looking for digital skills support?

AbilityNet in partnership with BT Group are running digital skills sessions in various locations across the UK. They are providing free workshops to people aged 65 or over, in either communal spaces or at your home to help you improve your digital skills.

Find out more about digital skills sessions

Have a question about our digital banking services?

Just ask our Virtual Assistant to see if it can help.